Monday, August 07, 2006

Where to start...?

Perhaps I have been a silent character for long enough. Some of you may have heard of and read about my better, magical half, Samantha, at her magical world. There are some questions you should ask yourselves:

- Does he really know all about Samantha?
- When did she reveal her secrets to him and how did he react?
- Is their marriage really like Samantha describes it?
- (What else would you like to ask?)

The answer to these questions, and perhaps more, will appear here, occassionally, in upcoming posts.

I am not a typical blogger. I will not spend hours searching and reading other blogs and stuff each day. If you have questions for me, let me know. If you want me to see or read something, give me a link. I am really only here for 2 reasons - 1. to express myself a bit 2. to allow others to communicate with Samantha's husband, if desired. I suppport her completely, but may offer a different viewpoint at times.

More about me, Sam, and our relationship later.


FJ said...


I can see that you and Sam are happily married and that the two of you really love each other.That is truly a beautiful thing.Yes it is.I am very happy for you both.Keep it up.
I hope that you have a nice evening.Please leave a note in my blog when you can again.I would like that.I posted a couple new messages.Thanks in advance.FJ

Anonymous said...

Hey Darrin,
As you may know, I have begun another chapter in the chronicle of gay-Mormon blogging. If you have time, I'd love it if you checked me out (Oh, I really shouldn't say it like that, should I? :) Sorry.) Thanks for your support. You are an amazing man. I am astounded at your strength. I may have some questions for you.


PS-I really hope you get this message!

PS-Ask Samantha about my identity if you're confused.