Thursday, November 15, 2007

More Dave Barry

I suppose it might have been more appropriate to post these on the days to which they correspond. So here is another one I find particularly funny.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007.


1. Do large men sometimes break your thumbs?

2. Have you ever lunged accross a table to strangle a seventy-three-year-old grandmother simply because she said, quote, "Bingo"?

3. Have you ever, after gambling away your money and pawning your possessions, said, "Hey, why do I need TWO kidneys?"

4. Have you ever attempted to place a bet on the chariot race in Ben Hur?

5. If so, did you bet against Charlton Heston, your reasoning being that, hey, one of these times he has to lose?


Unknown said...

I am not going to engage in futile rhetoric with you.
Let's just say that your comment was pretty inane, even for you-
If you think that I , for ONE minute, believe that yours and Darrin's blogs are written by the same person, you ARE more insipid than I could ever have imagined.
I laughed at your feeble attempt to "cover" for yourself on Darrin's blog.
(At the very least, be consistent- change the font size so it is the same as the other posts and keep the writing style "the same" so as to appear to be him. DUH!!!!!)
And, if you write both blogs as you "claim", which we BOTH know you DO NOT, your life is even MORE pathetic than I thought it to be.
Your blog "patrol" to track people was SO predictable, and laughable-
I have just been WAITING for the "invisible" counter to appear on Darrin's screen- sure enough, it did.
Darrin's comment on your blog PROVES that your blogs are distinctly written by TWO people-
people like you are TOO proud, TOO puffed up in your own importance, TOO addicted to adulation, TOO addicted to grandiosity, TOO self-absorbed, feeling the need to share EVERY bromidic detail of your life to apologize for ANYTHING.
Darrin apologized.
HE recognizes the serious nature of what I have said.
You could learn a lot from him.
I suggest you are letting YOUR moronic emotions get the better of you.
With the weather getting colder hope your car tires have the right amount of air pressure in them.
You may not drive a lot, but others in your family do- hope they are safe.
I hope you have as much fight in you when we DO hook up, maybe at your next concert, as you do in writing.
I LIKE a good fight.
Really I do NOT expect much of a physical fright from you though-
you are just a wimpy, whiny, diminutive runt.
(More synonyms for fob prick- we know how much he loves them.)

Your children?
How safe are THEY?
THEY will be tasty.

Game on.

Darrin said...

Okay, Marvin. You say "game on", and here is my first shot. I decided at first to not allow your post, but I have changed my mind. I am allowing your comments to be published so people can see the type of person you are. That alone is a pretty bad blow against you. I need do nothing else.